This Garden Rocks

This garden rocks! Why? Because it has rocks. We love rocks here at Great Stems. They add character, they add unity, they can be used as benches or stepping stones, they edge garden beds, they prevent erosion, they support plants or other objects that need it, they fill up gaps in the plant areas, they make water features look natural, they provide shelter for little creatures, and they are just plain cool. 

Take this fossil, for instance.


Or this giant quartz rock, of which we found two or three on the property. I guess it’s quartz — I’m not really up on my geology. I love the way it looks surrounded by pigeonberry.


A few days ago, I removed the massive dwarf papyrus from the pond, partially for aesthetic reasons and partially because it was working on creating several new root systems. But removing it also lets me show off what is perhaps my favorite rock on the whole property. It is this rock that earned our pond the name “Gator Pond.”

gatorrock10-05-09.jpggatorpond10-05-09.jpgThe rocks forming the back wall of the waterfall actually look like the back of an alligator — I forgot to get an angled shot to show you that a little better, but I’ll do that another time. Now I just need to figure out where to put my dwarf papyrus.

Removing the dwarf papyrus also let us see our fish better — they love to frolic under the waterfall. The waves don’t make it easy to take a picture of the fish, however.


And of course, we love all the rocks forming our raised pond’s exterior and falls.

Sand is basically pulverized rock, and here is a big pile of it. It might look like a sandbox, but it’s the sand that was under our shed before we moved it on Saturday. The kids and the dogs have been playing in it. We’ll be using this sand elsewhere in the garden.

sand10-05-09.jpgAnd the dogs seem fine with the change in location of the shed. They chase one another around, past, and behind this shed. We moved the shed to make room for our next three raised veggie beds.

shed10-05-09.jpgHere are some temporary stepping stones marking the path to the bench on the raised pond. At some point this will be a real path, probably made of decomposed granite.


We use some rocks to line paths and to edge garden beds. We also use them around the base of the little backyard trees in a lame attempt to keep the dogs from charging across and breaking the trees. It works as long as they don’t get crazily energized in their playing. Here’s a firebush and aloe in one garden bed. Ignore the weeds. I do.

And here’s our newest addition, another find off of Craigslist (which is where we got the rocks for the pond). I stuck my foot in for a size comparison because this is one big rock, but I think it just managed instead to make my foot look big. I look forward to choosing plants to go around it.


And of course, our latest rock creation. Looks different without water flowing, doesn’t it?

fountain10-05-09.jpgNotice the water is turned off now. Well, it’s even worse than that. We had to dismantle it to figure out why the pump started screeching yesterday. Turns out the water was gone from the basin, and we checked it for leaks, but there were none. We thought that maybe an animal drank some of the water from the top and shifted the rocks covering the tube, causing the water to splash or spray out of the basin. Or maybe a visitor moved the rocks. Or maybe yesterday’s downpour shifted something. In any case, now we’re worried the pump might be damaged. Only ran one day, bringing our $40 fountain to about $60 if we have to replace it. So when we rebuild it tomorrow, we’re going to have to be really careful that the tube cannot shift. I’m crossing my fingers that the pump is ok.

But what’s odd is that next to the fountain is a little plant stub, the remains of my pineapple sage, as if it was chewed off. Do deer eat pineapple sage? Is it possible they licked at the running water and shifted a rock? And would they come that close to my front door, especially if there’s so much water available around the neighborhood right now? It could have been broken by a human, but I couldn’t find the rest of the plant, if so. A mystery!

sagenub10-05-09.jpgSo I still love my rock fountain, but I will love it more when we rig it so the tube is super secure. And I might need to place a sign that says, “Deer and humans, please don’t touch! Our neighborhood deer can read, I’m sure. Or perhaps eat the sign, at least. And I’m by gosh getting another pineapple sage. 

13 thoughts on “This Garden Rocks

  1. Wow, Meredith. Love the pond and the rocks. And the pups dashing about the yard, all exuberant with some cooler temps. Can’t believe it’s going to be 92F againg tomorrow, though. Enough already!

  2. Great post. Love the dogs and the fossil rocks. We have rocks here, but they’re underground and have to be dug out with a bulldozer. I’d rather have native stones than diamonds, they show up better.
    Sorry about the pump troubles. Seems like pumps are always giving trouble at one time or another.

  3. The fossil looks like it was part of an ammonite, and the rock your think is quartz looks like it is probably is a type of microcrystalline quartz called “chert.”
    I like rocks, too. 😉

  4. Your pond looks great. I love the rocks, too. Even when we have to dig them up. So far, we don’t need a bulldozer for that here.
    Hope you figure out the pump thing. The deer were coming that close to our house before all the rain. They don’t seem to come as close now….but, don’t trust them!

  5. The more I look at it, the more I like your yard. You should do a panoramic overview as I get totally jumbled as to what’s where. We have a pretty small lot, with exactly ONE large rock. Which I dearly love, but am relocating so I can have an herb garden. Maybe.

  6. Oh, how interesting. I often don’t think beyond what’s green in my garden. And that’s why I will never be a good landscaper. After seeing your photos, I do wish that I had more rocks in my garden.

  7. Awesome! I loved each and every picture you posted. I felt like I was on a nature walk. Your pond is amazing! Right off I could see the “gator”. I enjoy rocks and stones as well in the garden. They are my decor. Beautiful work!

  8. Oh such a bummer about the little pond. I am quite often dealing with animal related leaks. They love getting into the pond areas and dislodge strategic rocks all the time. It’s amazing how fast you can lose water. I have even had to deal with sneaky plants reaching over and siphoning water off the falls. That’s not even fair! For your little pond my guess would be cats. Those guys are the skilled at finding new water sources and making themselves at home with it. My cats chewed all my red ribbon grass to nubs while helping themselves to the pond.
    Love the shot of the dogs playing. Your malamute looks shockingly just like ours in that picture. It was kind of funny wondering how she had gotten so far so quickly. hehe

  9. Lesan, you’re right. The cats could easily be the culprits, though I doubt they are responsible for the pineapple sage. And I want to see a picture of your malamute!

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