Return of the Swamp Thing

A spontaneous pond cleaning turned me once again into the Creature from the Black Lagoon, or barring that, at least the Swamp Thing. Six hours spent mostly in a pond cleaning out winter sludge and muck, with the remaining time spent repotting water plants, turns one into a rather disgusting and smelly abomination. And no, once again, I did not take a picture.

It was time for a spring cleaning of the pond, that’s for sure, but what really prompted it today was yesterday’s trip to the Wildflower Center Plant Sale. I didn’t quite get there at my normal early time, so I now know what it’s like to be at the back of the line (note that everyone is admiring the bluebonnets off to the side of the path).


Not only that, but I had to park way off in a neighborhood close to the highway, so it was quite a trek with my little wagon. But this line is nothing compared to the one at check-out. I’ve never seen it go to the back of the sale area before (comparable to a full block or two distance), and the wait was so long — I think for some it took close to an hour just to check out!

But I enjoyed myself, and I did get to visit with a couple of fellow Austin garden bloggers and other friends. I controlled myself and only took a wagonful home, and this time it included some pond plants — hence my venture into sludge and slime! Had it not been dark by the time I got everything done, I might have taken a picture after all… but only of the pond, not of the Creature.

Happily six of our nine goldfish made it through the winter. I’ll find out in the morning whether I managed to kill any of them with my massive pond cleaning.

And now it’s time to go enjoy a margarita and help my back recover from my day in the swamp…

5 thoughts on “Return of the Swamp Thing

  1. Great minds must think alike. Yesterday was my swamp thing day, too. Amazingly, I like the process though my back complains. How does your family feel about the algae/black goo look and smell? I usually wear the yummy perfume for a couple of days– can’t seem to get it off my hands and feet. Anyway, my hub doesn’t seem to mind, or at least he doesn’t complain (smart fella.) (:

  2. I’m sure your pond is beautiful. On my former property, I had a pond dug and it was one of my favourite spots on the 4.5 acre lot. No fish, but lots of frogs and deer at its edge. 🙂

  3. Your labels are NICE! I should only be so organized.
    I loved all those buggy photos…but not the spider ones. I get chills just looking at those.

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