Don’t They Know It’s Winter?

This is certainly the last thing I expected to see going on in my backyard in the middle of December, but go figure. Gulf Fritillaries, doing their thing.


Sometimes the outer wings would open, revealing the brilliant orange of that butterfly’s upperside.

gulffritg12-16-10.jpgI wish the camera could have captured the full beauty of the metallic sheen on their underwings, but some of the lustre was lost in the image. Still, wow.


 The features on this butterfly give it such personality!


I didn’t tell the butterflies that it’s just about winter here. They didn’t seem to care.

15 thoughts on “Don’t They Know It’s Winter?

  1. Meredith,
    So lucky to have experienced this so late in the season. Here the butterflies are pretty well done since we had 2 days in a row with 15 degree temps. Still might find some. Your right about the photo now giving one the real life appearance.

  2. We had some cold temps, too, but during the day it warms up enough to get the cold-blooded creatures moving. This warm-blooded girl, though, can’t move around without a jacket!

  3. Hi Meredith,
    My daughters just watched the new Tinkerbell movie last night and told me that it is Fairies that paint the butterflies. It sounds plausible right?
    Merry Christmas…enjoy those sweet butterflies.
    Great photos!

  4. Lucky you! Guess what I’ve been seeing the last two days…a hummingbird at my pineapple sage! I tried to research what type it might be but no luck. I saw there is one type that is seen sometimes during December but the picture didn’t look the same as the one visiting. Didn’t get a picture but was just so pleased to be able to watch it for a few minutes. I’ve seen a lot of butterflies too – yes, I would say things are very confused! Beautiful images as always Meredith! Merry Christmas

  5. Toni — yes, I was pleasantly surprised and glad they didn’t mind me taking pictures, lol.
    Ellada, thank you so much!
    Rosey, I’m sure that fairies absolutely have something to do with it. 🙂
    And Cat, I’m thrilled that you had sage available for the hummingbirds! Pineapple sage is one of my personal favorites — oh that foliage is divinely aromatic.

  6. Pretty photos, Meredith. I enjoyed looking through your site. I love all the ornaments that you have made with the seeds and aluminum. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas!

  7. Thank you for being so quick and talented with the camera to get those beautiful shots to share with us. What gorgeous creatures! You are obviously doing lots of things right in your gardens to attract them. I have never seen Gulf Fritillaries but I agree that their features certainly give them so much personality. It would be fun to know what they are thinking! I am so glad they posed for you!

  8. Hi Meredith
    You must be so pleased to capture such great photos like these especially in December. They even have little orange touches to their legs to match the backs of their wings. They certainly were very preoccupied to let you get so close to them.

  9. They are beautiful creatures and one of my favorite butterflies. Their orange and white is a stunning contrast and you captured it beautifully in your photographs! I had lots of them this summer and on into fall but sadly they are gone now. It has been far too cold in Georgia of late.

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