Gnome Love — Is It 2B or Not 2B

A romantic family-friendly gardening movie on Valentine’s Day, and one about gnomes to boot? Heck yeah! I couldn’t resist — the hubby and I took the kids to see “Gnomeo and Juliet” on a school night (gasp), but hey, it’s Valentine’s Day! I was pleasantly entertained by the secret lives of these adorable gnomes, all the more so because I garden. But I tell you, even our teenager laughed — how’s that for a review (***edit below)? Here’s another — check out TufaGirl’s report over at Life Highway’s Yard Art Game. The yards in this movie would surely win top scores in the yard art game, that’s for sure.

valentinegnome02-14-11.jpgHomemade pizza is waiting for me, to be followed by decadent chocolate desserts — time to go!

Happy Valentine’s Day to all!


***Edit: Now that I’ve eaten something (yum), I’ll give a more detailed review. The movie is lighthearted and fun, with a few Shakespearean references tucked in. It won’t win awards for plot or animation or exceptionally subtle comedic dialogue (I guess there’s not a current award available for that one, is there?), but if you go there in the right frame of mind, you’ll enjoy yourself, especially if you get a tickle out of gnomes.

5 thoughts on “Gnome Love — Is It 2B or Not 2B

  1. Thank you for the mention. “Gnomeo and Juliet” will be considered nonsense by most but I found it to be a whole lot of fun.

  2. It’s no Toy Story, but it’s cute. Movies like these require people to be in a light-hearted spirit or they’ll just grumble. I openly laughed out loud in a couple of spots, which means it’s better than several few kids’ movies I’ve been to!

  3. OH, thank you so much for the mention. Your gnome is adorable and I hope he has sweet dreams. I lot of them are a less sweet. I’m planning on seeing the movie as soon as I can drag the hubby.

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