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Inside Austin Gardens Tour 2009


Yesterday, my boys and I did a whirlwind tour of the beautiful yards of this year's Inside Austin Gardens Tour. There was something special about each and every home, and we thank the homeowners for opening their yards to the community. Each yard was a certified wildlife habitat, and we even got to see some wildlife at a few of them!


We zoomed through so very fast due to our overbooked afternoon schedule. But even in our few minutes of touring, we found inspiration. From mixed yard/habitat homes to luscious looming tropics to sheer vastness in variety of plant species to pure folly, we saw it all.

As is typical of me, I was drawn to the use of native plants and whimsy in the garden, as you can see in these select photos. But without a doubt, I saw some very unique and beautiful plants at all the homes. I greatly appreciate the lists of plants available at every location! And there was such creativity in layout and design and decor.



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These little glimpses don't give much in the way of overview, I know. I regret that I'm posting so few pictures, but  I encourage you to visit Pam's blog at Digging, MSS at Zanthan Gardens, Jenny at Rock Rose , and Linda at Patchwork Garden for exceptional details and photos of the tour (so many of our pictures are of the same plants and garden wows, and I shamelessly admit that I'm taking advantage of the fact that they beat me to the blogging punch). I've got so many projects looming over me at the moment, but if I don't get something out, I'll get nothing out, if that makes sense. Life just isn't stopping still and letting me catch up! What's up with that?

Meredith O'Reilly happily
gardens for wildlife in
Austin, TX. She enjoys
educating people of all ages
about native flora, fauna,
and healthy environments.

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