Closer, please.

The human eye really isn’t designed to notice things like this. I certainly didn’t at first, not until I was up close, clipping off of few dead Gregg’s Mistflower stems here and there. Even then, at first I thought it was just plant bits caught in an old web. That is, I did… until the plant bits started to move.

babyspiders08-15-10.jpgBabies! Could these be the young of my resident Argiope spider, who made her happy home in my Gregg’s Mistflower ? 

To quote Hannibal Lecter, “Closer, please.”


Little spiders, the world is more interesting with you in it.

13 thoughts on “Closer, please.

  1. Oh dear. I’m not sure if I like this or not. I like spiders…I mean, they’re clean and good hunters but they give me the willies when I see them like this, or a huge one in my garden, unexpectedly. I’m also very allergic, so I’m not fond of them in that sense. Regardless of how I feel about them, this is a great photo!!!

  2. Quite a photo! Sort of reminds me of the end of Charlotte’s Web when all the little spiders hatch and Wilbur watches them scatter all over the place. ah, nature…

  3. They are cute when that small — a little nursery of babies. I don’t seem to have the freak-out gene when it comes to spiders — they just fascinate me! And you are right — they are so important in nature.

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