Toadstools Dot the Backyard

All the rain we’ve been having lately has brought opportunities to see a huge variety of mushrooms all over the property, in all sizes, shapes, and colors. I love mushrooms. I see them as a sign of a functioning ecosystem and good soil.


Back in the wooded area near where we hope to build our new shed soon (and I actually mean soon), we were wowed by almost a dozen giant toadstools dotting the ground. They were huge, about the size of my husband’s hand. Definitely “wow” fungi, I have to say.

We’ve had even more rain this week. Now I’m noticing other fungi but the toadstools have gone. Fascinating how mushrooms come and go — you never know what species will pop up next.

8 thoughts on “Toadstools Dot the Backyard

  1. I find them fascinating, too. I keep taking photos of them, and keep thinking I’ll do a blog post one of these days. But I would need some help identifying them. We have so many of them here, too, and up at our cottage, as well. It’s always fun to find them in the wild.

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